December 2010 Minutes

SEATTLE, WA – Our December meeting started off with elections for 2011. Mark Paulson will have a second term as club president, Hugh Castell is the new vice president, and Jim Earnshaw begins his second year as club secretary. The magic began with new member Chuck Ising performing an Eric Jones 3 Fly routine, and he … Continue reading “December 2010 Minutes”

SEATTLE, WA – Our December meeting started off with elections for 2011. Mark Paulson will have a second term as club president, Hugh Castell is the new vice president, and Jim Earnshaw begins his second year as club secretary.

The magic began with new member Chuck Ising performing an Eric Jones 3 Fly routine, and he did it very smoothly! Chuck also showed us a nice ring on rope routine.

Larry Dimmitt showed us a mind-reading effect in which he displayed five jumbo cards, including a joker. In the end, all the cards turned into jokers (which were wild).

Roger Sylwester had Chuck select a card, and then asked for his birth date. Then Roger produced a book on birthdates. Next to each date was printed the name of a playing card. The card written next to Chuck’s birthday was shown to be the exact same card he had selected. This was Michael Close’s The Birthday Book.

Dan Kennedy showed us a couple of card tricks. He had Dave choose a card (the six of spades), but when Dan revealed the Queen of Spades, Dave said it was the wrong card. Upon closer inspection, Dan showed us that the Queen was holding Dave’s card in her hand. Dan also showed us an interesting version of the 21 Card Trick.

Mark Paulson took out a balloon and blew it up. He then borrowed a cell phone and proceeded to push the phone into the balloon and let it deflate. When he tore open the balloon, all could see that it was the borrowed phone inside. This was Danny Garcia’s Pressure. Mark then performed Garcia’s Greed, slowly and visibly turning a $1 bill into a $5, a $10, and finally a $20 bill.

The last performer of the night was new member Dave Buck. Dave performed Eugene Burger’s version of Out of This World, using the four Aces as locator cards.