Attendance: Rick Swaney, Mark Paulson, Felix Huang, Randall Chin, Richard Gerlitz, Sam Chamberlain, Larry Dimmitt, Brian Cook, Jim Earnshaw
January was officer election month for the club. All officers remained in their current position. Brian Cook remains club President with Mark Paulson vice president, Jim Earnshaw as secretary and Larry Dimmitt as treasurer.
We started off the meeting with a rat race. Rick Swaney had adapted a maze trick with small cards to be performed for a larger audience by building some custom props. The trick was impressive, and everyone really appreciated the work Rick had put into his props.
Mark Paulson continued the magic with a story about his past ventriloquism years and his connection to his dummy Jay. Unfortunately Jay had been torn up by his dog, however Mark still had a magical connection to one of Jay’s eyes, providing for a successful remote viewing experience.
Felix Huang demonstrated some wonderful card skills with various tricks. However his best trick of the evening might have been convincing the waitress that he has true psychic ability later that night at the bar.
Randall Chin performed a unique routine he was working on involving credit cards. Randall had taken various card plots, adapt them to credit cards, and was able to put together a very nice sequence of tricks.
Sam Chamberlain not only entertained us, but educated the group about protostomes as well with his custom version of wild card, or rather wild “crab”.
Larry Dimmitt continued to show his mind reading ability revealing what box was chosen from a group of boxes as well as noting what was inside the selected box.
Jim Earnshaw presented a chop cup trick based on Star Trek characters and the transporter. Finishing with a malfunction and cup full of tribbles.
The group was challenged with a riddle by Richard Gerlitz and a shown some lovely custom wood working by Brian Cook from his Magic Crafter business.